Vision ramblings...

In some of the ongoing vision discussions today, I had these thoughts:
  • We don't need more leaders who lead followers - we seem to have enough of those. We need leaders who lead leaders who lead leaders who lead followers. That's the Jethro-cubed principle.
  • Leadership styles may differ, but a common goal rounds the edges of disconnect and misunderstanding.
  • We are in God's crockpot and He's cooking up something fine.
  • Family far away is worth an interruption.
  • Leaders recognize that the led are watching their every move.
  • A history of hurts can clog the enthusiasm of a good vision.
  • The process of reporting and follow-through can be perceived as distrust.
  • Vision casting, strategic planning, and refinement takes time, energy, and patience for exponential results.
  • Strategy, smategy, whatever - without God, nothing is possible. He alone will make all His given dreams and visions come to fruition.


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