Lessons of Trust

As promised, here are a few of the lessons learned after the challenges wrought in the experience on Thursday night's Living Last Supper:
  • When we do something intentionally to God's glory, He receives the glory and protects us.
  • Continue to put trust in God alone.
  • As we trust God, if an outside organization desires access to the church, one must perform due diligence to verify who they are and what they intend to do.
  • If there is no time to perform due diligence, then the offer remains unaccepted.
  • The farther away an interviewer/videographer lives, the more due diligence is required.
  • Interviewers or videographers rarely (if ever) pay you to do their work.
  • If sufficient due diligence is performed, review ALL waivers before signing or making them available for signatures.
  • If after due diligence, a group is allowed on site, increase security to ensure the group behaves as promised.
  • And, the oldest lesson of all: people may not do what you expect them to do, but they will do what you inspect them to do.

This whole experience has jaundiced me to an unsolicited request from the media - which is MOST unfortunate. The good news is: although this group proved itself untrustworthy, others (like KAKE TV) showed that there are local media members who want to do the right thing for their community.


Kirk Longhofer said…
Greg... thank goodness you caught them before any damage was done! The level of disrespect here is something else.

Dave Carrol said…
wow... sounds like you guys had quite the day...


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