The Storehouse of Goodness

How great is Your goodness which You have stored up for those who fear You, which You bestow in the sight of men on those who take refuge in You. Psalm 31:19

When I think about the LORD and His goodness to me and those around me, I am so thankful. And yet, I'm not sure I've thought often about how He stores up goodness for me.  Have you?

If we fear Him alone (and that's a BIG IF), then we can be assured of this promise: that He will store up goodness for us!

The doctor gives bad news.
God has goodness stored up for us.

A spouse asks for a divorce.
God has goodness stored up for us.

Children make decisions that grieve us.
God has goodness stored up for us.

Fellow students or colleagues at our place of employment treat us with contempt or worse.
God has goodness stored up for us.

Dreams and goals we thought were important are no longer possible.
God has goodness stored up for us.

No matter what we encounter along the Way - whether calm or storm, peace or strife, health or illness, comfort or pain - God has goodness stored up for us which He will "bestow in the sight of men".

Goodness that is great.

To fear The Lord starts
Storing up goodness for us.
His goodness for us.


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