This morning, our Contemporary Worship Pastor (as well as IT Support lead),
Zac Wilkerson tendered his resignation effective March 19.
Zac has an opportunity at a church in Amarillo to provide full-time worship leadership. While I have mixed feelings about this, I am glad for God’s leading and for His recognition of
Zac’s heart’s desire to solely focus on worship leading. I have enjoyed working with
Zac in these last 4 months. He has a teachable spirit, excellent musicianship, and a growing sense of leadership. God will certainly continue to bless
Zac as he seeks to please the Father and bring more and more worshipers to His throne.
In the next week or so, I’ll be working with
Zac, John, and the Senior Staff to identify next steps as God leads us through this transition. We need prayer for God's wisdom and direction during this time of transition and opportunity. God will receive the glory for the great things He will continue to do here at Central Community Church.
"Make sure your
seat backs and tray tables are in their upright position and that your seat belt is fastened low and tight across your lap..."