The Study of Acts of the Apostles.

I get the privilege of leading a group of folks in a study of the Acts of the Apostles. On Fridays now, we're having some College and Career aged young ones (18-24 year-olds) over to the house to have food (physical and spiritual) and fun. We had a great first session and I want to ensure everyone who wasn't able to attend has all that's required to be prepared when they come the next time. However, I haven't figured out how to post documents for review. Until then, here, at least, is our approach to the study. More coming...

Goal: To study the story of Jesus’ work in the early church and how to apply His Word to our daily lives.


The Bible is God’s Word. Therefore, we will:
1) Trust it. It is God breathed and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness.
2) Seek to understand how He interacted with those we read about.
3) Seek to understand ourselves better as we look into the reflection it presents us.
4) See ourselves as God sees us – in His grace, His love, and His discipline.
5) Seek to learn His truths and apply them in our daily lives.
6) Seek to show grace to one another as we discuss God’s Word and make this conversation challenging, safe, and fun.

Allow the Holy Spirit to teach us all. Some questions will be left to us all to work through with God in His time (Deuteronomy 29:29). The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law.

We will try hard to discuss each question, but may adjust our weekly assignments to allow for the Spirit’s leading.

During the week:
1) Study the assigned verses.
2) Answer the prepared questions during study.
3) Identify ways to apply the lessons to daily life – then apply them.
4) Call or email me if you have questions/concerns or unable to attend class on Sunday.

On Friday:
1) Come prepared with verses studied and questions answered to the best of your ability.
2) Come prepared with testimony describing how God led you to apply the lessons learned from studied scripture.
3) Come prepared to discuss the truths of God.


Kristin Baker said…
Too bad I'm too far away and too old to be in this! Sounds like fun!

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