What about SSNs?

During the production last night, a production company filmed the cast and those attending. As a result, each of the cast, crew, and audience had to sign waivers so that the company could use the film for their purposes of "objective journalism" (I may write another post describing what this means in greater detail later). These waivers, which we did not see until that night, asked for private information such as Social Security Numbers. Some refused to offer this information on the waiver. Others, being the trusting souls they are, offered them. Hopefully, the production company will treat this private information with the care it deserves. However, for those who have concerns about this and would feel more comfortable in taking action to protect their identities, here are some suggestions provided by Ruth Richman-Bernard.
  1. Call Equifax (800-525-6285) and report your concerns. They'll notify the other reporting agencies and alerts will be placed on the credit records so that no one will be able to open any new accounts without permission from the number holder.
  2. Check the yearly earnings statement provided by SSA to see if there is any work posted that shouldn't be there. If so, call the SSA Fraud Hotline at 800-269-0271 and they will work with the Inspector General's Office to correct the situation.
  3. Check out LifeLock.com. They only charge 10.00 per month for complete monitoring services. If anything slips by them, they'll be liable up to $1million in damages.
For more detail, go here. Lessons in this? Just one.
  1. We ask to read the waivers ahead of time and explain that no SSNs would be collected.

I'm blessed to be surrounded by precious children of God and hope (and pray) that God will protect them and this information.


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