Living Last Supper...itza wrap.

Our last night for the Living Last Supper was Friday night, March 14. What a great sacrifice to God this production turned out to be! I purposely use the word sacrifice because if what we give isn't a sacrifice (in time, money, or effort), then it's not the gift it could be. I got to know some great brothers and sisters in the Lord and created bonds which are, as one brother put it, not easily broken.

The resounding message I heard in this production was that Jesus (and His disciples) the audience witnessed had joy, had fun, and laughed! I believe that the laughing Jesus we have in our Atrium (see above) was portrayed in this presentation and that although Jesus was fully God, He was also fully man who loved, felt sorrow, wept, and laughed.
I'm thankful that we had the opportunity from God to present this and that each presentation was a success in that God receive ALL the glory for what happened (and what didn't).

"May the Eternal One strengthen His people and bless them with His peace."


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