Questions from Mr/Ms Anonymous

I have received a few "anonymous" comments to this blog since starting it over 6 months ago. Usually, they are read and ignored because I feel that if someone isn't willing to own up to what they have to say, then it must not be very important. However, I received one today and decided to answer one of his/her questions.

When I worked at Hewlett Packard, we would have occasional "coffee talks". These were large meetings of an organization where some planned topics would be discussed before the leader of the meeting would often ask, "what rumors have you heard that I can refute or validate?" So, in that spirit of openness, I will attempt to answer one of these questions.

"Is the Church in Trouble? "

This depends. I capitalized the word, Church, as the question was written. So, I will give two answers: one for the global Church and the other for the local church (Central Community).

The global Church. If being "in trouble" means that we are in decline, then the answer is yes, I believe the global Church is in trouble. Why? Because in many ways we (the global Church) have become a humanly devised and led organization, a collection of clubs, instead of the radiant Spirit-filled Bride of Jesus Christ that we are called out to be. Instead of seeking to save the lost, we have sought to make ourselves feel comfortable and happy. In fact, for much of the Church at large, we're quite content with seeking stability and comfort - two things of which the early Church had precious little.

I know of this desire for stability. I've had little of it these last few years. As I watched my children respond to this move by God to Kansas and Central Community Church, I ached for them. But then, I rejoiced with them as I saw (and continue to see) God working in their lives in ways not thought possible. It would have been SO easy to take the path of least resistance - the path of least change - seeking stability and comfort. But, then we would have missed so much.

However - while I believe the global Church is in trouble, I don't believe God is through with her yet. No, God is moving mightily and a fresh wind is coming, indeed has already come, as God's church is waking to this recognition of our worship to the idols of comfort and stability and casting all that aside (albeit slooooowly) so that all that we do, whether in word or deed, is done to the glory of God.

The local church at Central. In some ways, we suffer from the same sort of distraction, the same problem of focus on ourselves instead of on Christ - but in other ways, there are many bright spots that are becoming ever brighter.

1) Missions. As I write this, a team of folks are taking pizzas to feed the homeless. We're gearing up for the Garage Sale on August 1 and 2, a huge fund raiser that also provides low cost, high quality goods to those who otherwise would not have an opportunity to purchase them. Every Thursday, we hand out bags of goods to those in greater Wichita with need. In September, we're sending two teams to Uganda to build churches and relationships with the people there. In 2009, we're excited about the potential local missions opportunities we have (but I won't let you in on that until we're closer...:). We love those outside the church with the love of Jesus Christ.

2) KIDS Ministry. We know that kids are attracted to what they can see and touch and hear. In that spirit, we have brought back our mascot ministry to encourage the kids as they arrive to worship and learn on Sunday mornings. The "Under the Canopy" project is designed to give the kids exciting creations that they can see and touch as they walk through the hallways on their way to classes. These classes are Bible-based and allow the kids to meet Jesus in a real and impactful way. We love kids with the love of Jesus Christ.

3) Contemporary Worship. Our new worship leader has done an excellent job leading the contemporary worship service since beginning in April. The band is forming as a team and new members are being included, trained, and scheduled to play. She has taken the baton and is running with it. We seek to be the true worshipers of God.

4) Student Ministry. I have seen such great improvement here since arriving a short 8 months ago. And, the leadership team has just completed a plan that we hope to continue growing the spiritual depth of a continually growing team of students. We lead students to be strong in the Lord.

5) Support Groups. Celebrate Recovery, Central Recovery, DivorceCare, DivorceCare for Kids, and others. Hurting people are receiving the healing from Jesus Christ that ONLY He can give. We love those who are hurting - with the love of Jesus Christ.

But wait, there are so many more! Our properties and maintenance teams have stepped up their focus and dedication several notches as the grounds and building are looking better all the time. We are slowly improving the volunteer experience in many ministry areas. Quality isn't only becoming "job one", it is becoming a demonstration of our focus on ensuring that what we do glorifies God! We seek Godly excellence in all that we do.

So, that being said, if being "in trouble" means that we are in some sort of decline, then the answer is NO. While God may be moving pastors out of this "training ground" and into other local churches for which He has targeted them, He is still moves within us as we daily recognize our dependence upon Him.

Mr/Ms Anonymous, thanks for the question and I hope this helps. Our mission - changing lives, turning uncommitted people into fully devoted followers of Christ - is second only to our passion for Christ Himself. Lives are being changed - praise His Holy Name.

May God richly bless you as you seek to worship and serve Him alone.


Anonymous said…
Maybe the reason that Mr/Mrs Anonymouse asked that question is because he/she is more familiar with the history of CCC. It might be quite an education for you to take a look in the Church of God yearbooks to see the actual numbers - not just the numbers of pastors who have left CCC over the last 10-15 years, but also the number of members who have left. CCC is a church on the decline and that deeply saddens many of us who have been here for years. We watch and wait and hope and pray that this problem will not continue to worsen, but without some real honestly on the leaderships' behalf it seems that nothing is likely to change. The first step in solving any problem is to admit that it exists and you seem to be either in denial or oblivious to that problem.

Please understand, this comment is not written out of anger or even wanting to see a change in the senior leadership of this church. It is simply written out of a grieving heart for the brokenness of our church.
sherryLsmith said…
Awesome, Powerful, and Honest! You are truly a man after God's own heart! I love you and am so proud of you, dear! Keep striving to be a God-pleaser and not a people-pleaser, and let everyone who is not being "personally pleased", and would rather look at who's not there than what ministries ARE there, leave and take their selfish souls somewhere else. Hmf.
Richard Byrne said…

You are truly a blessing to me and many others! I thank God for this technology so that I can stay connected with you and your family on what's happening. I also need that "spiritual 2x4" hitting me across the head with your topics as this one. I continue to listen to God's message through you and pray that God continues to lead you and help you lead others.

God Bless,


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