Trip to Ngoro in the Kumi District

After arriving from Kamuli, I had the opportunity to shop for some Ugandan gifts. This is something I don't do well. In fact, this is something my bride does really well - wisely choosing the right gifts is itself a gift that she has received. After getting an email list from Sherry, I made my purchases and, because some of the articles were made by widows, I was able to help others, too.

When the team travels we go in two vans with our luggage, supplies, and tools on top. Our group, piloted by Moses Magoolo, left first and landed last. In the group were Jill, Grant, Joni, Jeannie, Twyla, Heather, Cassie, and me.

When we left Kampala, the plan was to go to a guest house first because we would arrive so late. En route, plans change. We went directly to the church and was welcomed by singing, dancing, yodeling women, smiles, shaking hands, and cries of "You are welcome!" If I had to imagine what a believer's reception into heaven would be like, this picture would come to mind.

After the incredibly warm welcome, we were gathered into a large thatch-roof house and treated to a wonderful meal after we were introduced to all the key leaders of the church. The next time we receive a guest - especially from Africa - I'm going to rethink the welcome party!

The video below is yet another reception we received when we arrived at the church site on Sunday morning.


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