Writer's block or the constipation of the pen?

Gentle Reader,

I'm trying to figure out why I don't want to write. Seriously. It's been since June 9 - over a month! I'm reminded of a few words from that song by Pink Floyd, "Money":

The time is gone, the song is over, thought I'd something more to say.

At the beginning of the year, I committed to write more and I did. But, I got to the end of Spring and my interest in writing had sprung. Done. Over. Nothing more to say?

No, I have something to say but I'm not quite sure I want to say it here. Ever feel that way? I want to talk about Jesus, my bride, my family, the church, government, weather, complex matter and anti-matter anti-aging compounds, and a host of other things important to me...

But, I'm just not sure they should be placed here. Jesus talks about not throwing your pearls before swine. Of course, in the context of the Sermon on the Mount, He seems to be warning against placing God's Word before those who will not only trample what is holy but tear up the ones who offered the Word in the first place. In this situation I'm describing here, I'm just not certain these topics so important to me will be considered very important or valued by others.

Which brings me to my dilemma. Two questions:

Will my thoughts and opinions and observations be considered as important as they are to me? And, should I care if they are?

What will likely happen is that my words will flow again and I'll write regardless. Until then, I'll sit in my dilemma and wade a while. Reminding me of another quote...

The waters of dilemma are tepid at best neither running, warm, or chilled. Such waters require a little stirring, warmth, or escape. - M. R. Koenigsmann.


wheres your 'follower' button because i would like to read more from you and ge updates


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