Uganda - End of Day Reflections

We wrapped up our third day at Kasubi, a Church of God school here in Kampala.  Ralph and I gathered with the church leaders present and taught the leadership issues regarding delegation of authority, worship and service, and faith.  They were so attentive these last 3 days and I wish that we could keep going and build the mentoring processes and relationships that help keep leaders moving forward.  The good news is that, at Ralph's suggestion, we gave them all our notes on these topics and they will, hopefully, be able to pour into others in their churches, ministry areas, and departments - leaders building more leaders. Yes!

The JaJa party went really well.  I had not participated in these before so I wasn't sure what to expect. We introduced ourselves. A few JaJas (grandmothers, grandfathers) gave testimonies as a few of our own JaJas (Delbert and Debbie). Then, we all served them the food that was prepared - they were soooo blessed.  But, I believe that we were blessed, too.  Wow.

Then, Colleen Stevenson, one of our missionaries, pulled me aside and asked if I would offer encouragement to the JaJas present.  She reminded me that some were quite sick and might not survive long given some life-threatening illnesses and the weariness that comes from taking care of all their grandchildren. How can anyone encourage in this situation? By pointing them (and all of us) to the One who can encourage.  The LORD, Himself. I quoted from Joshua 1:9 - "Be Strong and Courageous. Do not be terrified or discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."  Just as the LORD encouraged Joshua, He encourages each of us today.

After the men left, the ladies treated the JaJas to shampoos and other pampering before leading them in a round of Twister.  Seriously, Twister?  They loved it.

Sometimes serving others can be the simplest of gestures - washing hair, serving food, encouraging, or having fun with a good game of Twister.

Thanks, Lord, for allowing us to be a part of your adventure.


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