Words to comfort. Words to encourage.

Today, I read a blog posting by Mark Beeson, Sr. Pastor of Granger Community Church. In it, he offers true and loving encouragement to a dear friend who just lost his 27 year-old daughter in an automobile accident.

I held back the tears as I read these words:

"Gene," I said. "I've known many fathers. I've watched them. I've seen how they care for their daughters. I've seen them raise their kids."

Pulling him close I told him the truth I knew. "Gene, you are a great father to Rachael. She couldn't have had a better dad. She got up every day knowing you loved her. She soared because of your love. You gave her what she needed to be a wonderful wife and devoted Christian. Her years were enriched by her Daddy's love."

I finished by saying, "You're a great man. You're a great father. Rachael enjoyed what many daughter's never experience, the love of a wonderful father. You did well Gene. I'm proud of you."

Wow. There were two things that touched me as I read those words. One, connecting with Gene as a father, I lament his loss and can only imagine the depth of his sorrow. Two, these are words I long to hear spoken by my Lord and my God concerning my children - not at a funeral, but at the end of my life when I get to meet Him face-to-face.


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