Two truths and an application

A buddy of mine asked in our weekly conversation for suggestions on how to be more faithful about Bible Study. For me, I told him, I tend to stay in the Bible better when I know I'll be discussing it with someone who has an expectation that I'm prepared to discuss it with him/her/them. This led to the discussion about adding a discussion point to our weekly conversations: 2 truths and an application.

What is/are "2 truths and an application?" This isn't as simple as it looks. However, its simplicity lies in the expectation and focus with regard to Bible Study. While I believe strongly that the Bible is as relevant and accessible as the local newspaper, devoted Christ followers have a responsibility to look deeper to uncover the Spirit-led revelations we each need to grow "in Christ." The complexity remains in the manner in which the revelations of truth and application of them are (or aren't) accomplished.

So, over the next week or two, I'll try to share an approach I learned through Bible Study Fellowship that has been around for centuries: homiletics. In BSF, we taught this Bible Study approach to 3rd graders! So, it's possible for each of us to use this method to dig just a little deeper into God's Word and uncover at least 2 truths and an application.


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