It's a Dark, Dark Knight...

The boys and I went to see Dark Knight, the new Batman movie. If you haven't seen it, you may not want to read this as I might give too much away. Having warned you, here are my observations:
  • Lewis, who had already seen it, warned me that it was a dark movie. He was right.

  • The Joker, most excellently played by the late Heath Ledger, epitomized the evil described in Romans 1 where God allows us to wallow and drown in our sin such that our calloused hearts increasingly know no bounds with regard to selfish desires.

  • Like most action flicks, it stretches credulity beyond reasonable doubt.

  • Batman's struggle to keep his moral compass steady was strongly evident and reminded me that we never know how easy it is to let the storms (or pleasures) of life tear away our moral moorings, if we're not careful.

  • One of the more interesting quotes was from the Joker to Batman: “madness, as you know, is like gravity. All it takes is a little push.” Taking that quote and bending it a little, I could say instead: "without a reliance on the Holy Spirit, falling away from Christ is like gravity. All it takes is a little push."

  • There is a moment where a ship full of convicts have an important decision to make - whether to blow up another ship full of innocent people. This HUGE hardened prisoner offers to take action because the supposed moral leader of the ship won't do it. He tosses out the window the means to blow up the ship - taking a completely different tact than what we're led to believe he will do. This challenged me to rethink my expectations of others.

  • We often ask each other after a movie: "do you think this is a keeper?" In other words, would we buy it for our home? My answer: probably not. While I think it's well done, the evil of the Joker was difficult to witness. Not sure if I'd want to endure that again.

What are your thoughts? Did you like it? Would you see it again?


Anonymous said…
Ummmm, think I'll pass on watching it but, from what I've heard from others, your points are well taken. You've certainly given food for thought. As Batman is famous for saying, "What evil lurks in the heart of men!" How true!
Love your blog.
Joyce Livingston

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