Lessons for the month

Some new (and old) lessons from August.
  • Ongoing administrative excellence is hard. Period. It takes constant tweaking and adjustment...and a whole lot of leading.
  • Pray for the best as you prepare for the worst.
  • People don't resist change, people resist loss.
  • My bride's laugh remains contagious and refreshing - at the very same time. I am blessed.
  • Believe it or not, there are 4 other candidates for president. Can you name them?
  • The power of example is more noble than the example of power. (a variation of line that Former President Clinton used in his speech at the DNC)
  • Man's plans are at the mercy of God's power (Republican Convention and Hurricane Gustavo)
  • Good leaders seek order in the swirl of issues.
  • Getting the right people in the right seats makes a HUGE difference in a ministry.
  • When we focus our attention on anything in place of God, He is grieved.
  • From the Love & Respect book I'm reading: Husbands crave respect from their wives. Wives crave love from their husbands.
  • You can't always get what you want, but you get what you need.
  • Think the best of others. Give them the "benefit of the doubt." In turn, they might do the same for me.
  • Communication, early and often, remains a critical success factor in the life of any organization.


sherryLsmith said…
I'll keep laughing as long as I'm with you! Especially when you do that Holiday Rambler thing...what a hoot! I just LOVE that! You continue to be fun to be around!!

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