It's Hot!!

So, it's hot. The high for the day reached at least 100 degrees. On the Tahoe, the temperature read 107 at one point, but I'm not sure how accurate the gauge is when the truck is just sitting on asphalt. Tomorrow, the predicted high is 103!

I'm thankful for:
  • Air Conditioning!
  • Homes/church buildings which hold in the coolness...
  • A rotating earth on the right axis that will eventually get us past August and into cooler months.
  • Green trees that throw shade on the house, lawn, cars, and us, too.
  • Breezes that move the trees and the air to provide some relief when we're outside.
  • My Father in heaven who makes weather work right...even if it's a little uncomfortable at times.
  • That June and July wasn't like August (although I'm told it can be some years...)


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