Change to believe in?

Here is one church's video testimony on what they expect of their church.

What do you think? What is your expectation of your church? Does this resonate with you? Or not? Why or why not?

Favorite quote: "I want to change the world." Stated by a boy, maybe 10-11 years old...


Anonymous said…
Shouldn't a Christian’s expectation of the Church be one that can plug them in to help do the work Christ has called us to due? I find it sad that 20% of must faithful and long attending church members do 100% of the work needed to be done by the church. I feel it's the job of a more mature to serve others and bring them along into service and for them to begin to take on a role of servitude. Sadly this is not true. To few people doing the work of the church burns the 20% out. What would God's church look like if 100% of his committed followers were doing his work?

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