Remembering to Pray

On Sunday morning, we awoke to the ongoing coverage of a national tragedy. As of this writing, 49 families lost a loved one, killed in cold blood.  53 other families are still waiting for their loved ones to heal and recover from life-threatening wounds.  Still others are wondering how they made it out alive.  All affected by this tragedy will never be the same.

And a nation mourns. 

Now is the time to pray. Pray for recovery – both physically and emotionally – and that all would feel the healing and comfort of Christ Himself.

Now is not the time for blame. Now is not the time for hidden (and not so hidden) agendas to take priority over the care required for the hurting.  Now is not the time to presume upon God whatever motive suits us. And, now is not the time to score political points for our preferred politicians.

There will be time for remedial action but in the near term, we have a healing role to play in our families, communities, and the world.  Christ-followers are to be ambassadors of reconciliation – not judgment, peacemakers – not know-it-alls, and above all, we are to be a source of Christ’s love rather than condemnation. 

And let’s not forget that, after tragedies like this, we have neighbors, friends, and family who are afraid – they need our assurance, care, and unconditional love regardless of their stance before Christ.

So, please continue to pray – and when we speak, let us speak the words that lift others up.

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. (Eph. 4:29)


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