OMTL: The Bucket List

You're so important to me
Yet I spend so little time
Yearning to be with you
Yearning instead for what I think is mine.
- M.R. Koenigsmann

In the movie, The Bucket List, two characters (played by Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson) create a list of actions they want to take before they "kick the bucket." Some of those adventures include sky diving, traveling the world, racing muscle cars, and getting a tattoo. However, the most poignant of list items revolve around the relationships with those most important to the keeper of that list.

Relationships are a mystery to those who struggle with the messiness that comes along with them. However, if we truly had a short time to live, the items on our bucket list would likely be prioritized by those which bring us closer to those we love. We listen more closely, look more intently, hug more tightly, and speak more lovingly.

Some things I want to place upon my bucket list:

  • Ask more questions,
  • Speak less and listen more
  • Write and/or create more - music, prose, stories, chronicles
  • Demonstrate in action the words I say to those closest to me: "I love you."
  • Laugh more each day and help others taste the joy of the Lord.
  • From the perspective of those most significant to me, finish strong!
  • LIVE!

What's on your list?


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