None like her...

In the decades since we first met
Time and love we've spent
Love from flame and ember
coal yet tender
Time spent seeking
What we should know
but long to uncover
with thrill of newness
often spent.
If I knew it then, I know more now
Your beauty, shimmer
Deeper still, still deeper
All from the One
who dwells within
All so that you love,
love deeply
since He loved deepest
before you were.
In the decades to come
may we uncover with delight
all that we discover
through Him who
loving us deeply
gave us one to the other,
my bride, my love,
vision and fragrance,
joy and grace.


Kristin Baker said…
Such a sweet tribute, I love my Aunt Sherry and hope I grow up to be just like her! And judging byt he candles, she's only 13! Way to rob the cradle, Uncle Greg....

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