We love Miss B!

Monday, I received the resignation of Brenda Moffitt from the KIDS Ministry at Central Community Church. She feels that God is calling her out of ministry and into her first love – teaching. I have known Brenda a relatively short time, but have grown to deeply appreciate her servant’s heart and passion for the Lord and His KIDS. Working closely with her, I have seen her come to the conclusion again and again that the administrative aspects of her role get in the way of what she really loves doing – teaching kids what they need to know to be all that they’re called to be by the One who carefully crafted each of them.

God has used her mightily at Central Community. Her smile, laughter (abundant and unique), and love for the kids have deeply impacted their lives and ours, too. Her leadership of Women’s Ministry, VBS, Junior Camp, Pumpkin Bash, the new Trunk-or-Treat, and KIDS ministry itself has been a blessing to us and will be missed. She assures us that she’s not going anywhere and, after a time of rest, looks forward to volunteering as a teacher here while she hopes to return to the public school system to teach there, too.

Of course, now I get to find a replacement...: If anyone knows of a candidate, please direct him/her to http://www.churchstaffing.com/ and look for us.


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