Weekly updates...

Some miscellaneous thoughts...

  • Yesterday, I had the privilege of teaching a class called: Becoming a Contagious Christian. About 100 people came to learn how they can tell others about Jesus without becoming someone they're not. It's so encouraging to see so many who want to do whatever they can to tell others about Jesus. Very, very cool.
  • While I was teaching upstairs, the Cafe' melted downstairs and chaos ensued. It's a long story, but one that will continue as we marshall our resources under God's leadership to solve the problem(s).
  • I was FINALLY able to get my 76 Corvette into (and out of) a most excellent alignment shop for a much needed all-wheel alignment. Yay! It's safely in my garage awaiting the weather we're expecting tonight and tomorrow.
  • My oldest boy visited my college alma mater and came back with unmet expectations - his chief complaint was that his hosts were too conservative. I could think of worse problems...:)
  • Had an interesting set of conversations today that reminded me once again to soften up, shut-up, listen up, and slow down - not necessarily in that order. I'm still processing through these.


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