90 day (+) review

I had the privilege Tuesday to review with the Council my observations of the church ministry after 90+ days here at Central. There has been much progress and a lot of hard work by so many folks on the team. I'm blessed by the senior staff, directors, and support staff. They're rising to the ongoing challenge of excellence and are making the changes required to be leaders at Central.

While my observations were more detailed, after further reflection, here are some key summary observations:
  • Paid and unpaid (volunteers) staff require proper development and preparation to ensure they have the best opportunity for success in whatever position God calls them.
  • As we seek to change lives for Christ, we must remember that all servants' (paid/unpaid) lives are also changed as we serve.
  • Leadership at all levels in the organization are important - and should be developed through ongoing investment.
  • Seeking excellence is hard work. It takes time and a detailed approach to seeing what is easily missed and then doing something about it.
  • God is doing a wonderful thing at Central. He is working through us and around us to build this collection of "living stones" into a beautiful living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to Him.
  • God has uniquely prepared me for this role and continues to challenge and, at times, confound me beyond my comfort zone.
  • I am so glad God chose me to be a part of His adventure.


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