This Ain't Your Typical Worship Time!

Sunday morning, after breakfast, we split up into two teams of 8 each. My team had Grant, the Toupins, Joni, Twyla, Cassie, and Matt. Tim Stevenson was also with us. They sang several songs, we sang two (I played guitar) and they asked for an encore for which we were unprepared, and there were testimonies from the community and our team. Then I spoke from John 9. The service was less than 3 hours but didn't seem that long. The picture here is of the table at the front of the service. People were instructed to come forward to present their tithes and offerings. The tithe basket was empty. The other was filled. You can see the offering basket at the top of the picture. Most of the cash came from us. There was an egg from a woman (possibly like the widow from the Bible), a note, and a partially eaten roll. Humbling.

After service there was an altar call for those who needed prayer. I was asked along with Tim to pray. All women, one had a baby wth malaria (baby Lazarus and mom Suzanne), another with stomach pains (Mary), and others with asthma and headaches.

After this we were served lunch: grits (in a cake), rice, chicken, greens with crushed g-nuts (like peanuts), fried cabbage, and tea with rolls. Yummy!

Afterwards we went to the rock drawings found in this area. There was a kid named Alex who hung around me there. He was 13 years old and a student in a Korean-sponsored school nearby. His English was good and he looked to be in good health. I enjoyed speaking with him.

Rest of the day was spent in rest awaiting our first full day at the church site.


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