Farewell to Africa

Heading back to the United States today and plan to update this blog with pictures and text once I get all my resources together.

As I consider my nearly two weeks here, I offer just a few observations of the time spent here.
  • Generally speaking, the people of Africa are welcoming and pleased to receive guests. This is especially true in the rural areas of both Uganda and Kenya. In fact, a very common phrase we heard was "You are welcome." This wasn't in response to a "Thank You", but simply a declaration that we were welcome there. I want to be more welcoming to my guests.
  • Although poor economically, the rural communities we visited are rich spiritually. Their faith is strong as is their resolve to be obedient followers of Christ they're called to be. This spiritual wealth is something I want to invest in!
  • The infrastructure in Uganda is quite limited. Although the infrastructure was more advanced in Kenya, they still struggle in the rural areas, especially. Citizens in the US have SO much for which we take for granted. Clean running water, indoor plumbing, electricity, screens over the windows/doors, and smooth roads are just a few examples. I resolve to avoid whining at the minor inconveniences of daily living.
  • God has offered me an excellent glimpse into the lives of my extended family in East Africa. For this, I am grateful.

For what are you thankful?


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