The adventure begins

Many of you may know that I have been planning for many months to go to Uganda. After many changes of flights, we finally ended up with a start date of yesterday morning - waaaaay too early in the morning. We arrived at the airport and discovered that our flight was cancelled which threw the team into uncertainty. Fourteen of us (another 2 had planned to come 2 days later) were at the mercy of Northwest Airlines and Delta.

After more than a few flight plans and changes, we ended up splitting the team into 2 primary groups. The first group (I'm on this one) leaves today and will arrive in Uganda on Tuesday afternoon. The second group leaves early tomorrow (Monday) and arrives Tuesday evening. Our group has a more circuitous route through Dubai and Ethiopia and the other groups follows our original route straight from Amsterdam through to Uganda.

Why go? We listen to the stories of those who've gone before and desire to make a difference - to be a part of something greater than ourselves. Of course, this can and does happen locally. However, I understand that there is great power and impact upon our lives as we stretch ourselves and seek to minister in Christ's name within another culture.

Quite frankly, this has been a difficult trip for me to consider. As I've grown older, I've also grown less tolerant of being away from home. I like being with my wife and my kids. And, while my boys are still in the home, I don't want to miss any part of their life with Sherry and me together. But, as my bride reminds me, this experience, as it has done for so many who have walked this road ahead of me, will be life-changing. And, as I seek to be the minister of reconciliation God has called me/us to be, I look forward to meeting with and enjoying my brothers and sisters in Christ in Africa.

As I progress, join me in prayer that all of us on the team will have our eyes and ears wide open to what God has in store for each of us and the courage to follow Him. Also, that God will not only protect us on the trip, but that He'll continue watching over our loved ones at home.

I hope to keep you posted as we progress, but I just don't know what opportunities will be present to update the blog.

Stay tuned!


Guy said…
Safe travels Greg. I'll be praying for ya!
Guy said…
Safe travels Greg, I'll be praying for ya!
sherryLsmith said…
This long anticipated adventure has begun! May God bless you richly, my dear, for following where He leads; obeying His call upon your heart to go to Uganda, a place on a map I'd have to even search for. I love you and miss you terribly, but I know you are in GOOD HANDS!

You are a great man, and the most wonderful husband! :)

Love you!

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