Last Work Day on Site
After shooting an interview with Tim and Colleen, Colleen had arranged for me to meet my new sponsor child, Janette. She's a sweet girl and shy. Because of the timing of her visit to the church site, I was unable to spend a lot of time speaking with her - so I still don't know her age or circumstance. I do have pics, tho.
Because Colleen had to drive to Kampala, I volunteered to drive the van on TAPP visits. It's amazing how that van can fit into walking trails. We had good visits and even led two older men to the Lord!
Meanwhile work continued on the building as the platform was completed, a door installed, and the roof was finished off. The building really looks good!
The end of the day was marked by a video presentation of the Gospel of John. This three-hour film was made possible by a generator, speakers, projector, a new scrim, and a whole lot of seat-of-the-pants inginuity. The team headed back to the guest house while Tim and Moses stayed back. By the end of the film there were hundreds watching on both sides of the screen!
Our last night there, we spent it getting ready to depart and planning for our role in the dedication service the following day.
The Ugandan people are kind, gentle, and most welcoming. We are blessed!