
Showing posts from January, 2009

One Month To Live: Day 3

Time. Precious and fleeting, Wasted and ignored. If time is so important yet bounded, why do we treat it as if there will always be more? - M.R. Koenigsmann Every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way The time is gone, the song is over, thought I'd something more to say - Pink Floyd, Time This thing all things devours: Birds, beasts, trees, flowers; Gnaws iron, bites steel; Slays king, ruins town, And beats high mountain down. - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit The focus of today's study is the answer to the aforementioned riddle from Mr. Tolkien: time. There are 3600 moments in an hour, 86,400 moments in a day, 604,800 moments in a week, and 2,592,000 moments in a year. How do you and I place value on each one of them? Or, how does each moment measure against an eternal destination? Questions to ask at the end of this week: 1) How effectively have you ...

One Month to Live: Day 2

Day 2: Roller Coaster. In this chapter, the Shooks offer a metaphor of a rickety roller coaster and its impact upon the rider of fear, thrill, and unknown risk. I can think of my own roller coaster experiences and how I enjoyed them as a kid and still enjoy them. However, my view of my own mortality is far more palpable and tangible than it was when I was younger. I can remember taking my 9 year-old Isaac on his first ride on such a coaster. Tall for his age, Isaac easily passed the height limit and was excited along with all of us for his first experience on the Beast. In my eyes, the Beast still ranks at the top of the thrilling rides in my life. However, looking through Isaac's eyes as we neared the top of the first hill, I saw something else entirely. Isaac was petrified. He wanted one thing and that alone: that he should get off. Now. He held his composure all through the ride and off the exit ramp before he erupted in tears, vowing never, ever to get on that again. I have two...

One Month To Live: Day 1

Day 1: Living the dash. We are going through a church-wide initiative using the book, small group, and personal journal study, One Month to Live , as written and produced by Kerry and Chris Shook of Houston's Fellowship of the Woodlands church. I am in the unique position to be leading two small groups through this study - young adults and the Youth Ministry Team. I'm not sure I will post every day of the 30 that are involved, but if I feel comfortable sharing, I will. The primary focus of the first day is: how will you and I spend our "dash"? This refers to that little dash we will eventually have on our tombstones separating our birth year from the year of our death. This dash may represent the duration of our lives, but how does it reflect the quality of the lives we lived? I've been asked this question before, but given the consistent theme of this 30-day study, I've not thought about it as long. When I consider the dash, I can't help but reflect on t...


In this article , you can read how the lack of wisdom in today's teens are leading to some serious consequences. But there is more to it. Imagine being given something of great value. Think of some physical thing that would be valuable to you. Maybe it's a car or a musical instrument. Perhaps simply a whole lot of money. And, after all the value you placed upon that one thing, you simply gave it away. Not because you wanted to give someone a precious gift, but that you treated something valuable like it was trash. This is what teens (and adults) are doing when we give away our intimacy. Who you are, no matter what those around you may say, is important to God. He's given you your life as a precious gift. Your mind, your body, and your soul is something that God has been careful to give you. Therefore, God wants you to watch over your body, your mind, and your soul just like you would care for anything that is precious and valuable to you. When it comes to your mind ...


When I was in third grade, my teacher Miss Campbell encouraged me to write poetry. I loved it. I would write poems for her and be so happy with her genuinely kind responses to my struggling attempts at being the next James Whitcomb Riley , a famous Indiana poet and her favorite. My niece, Kristin Baker, is a poet. I suppose she has written hundreds of poems and readily shares them with us on her blog . I encourage you to read them...they're inspirational as is she. She's married to a great guy and they have a precocious, intelligent, and beautiful little girl who has all the makings of a Christ-filled world-changer. The Bible says that we are not to boast except to boast in the Lord. So, I boast that God is doing a great work in my sweet-niece!

Student Ministries Pastor: The Search Is Over!

I am so excited to announce that Scott Parks will join Central Community Church staff as the Pastor of Student Ministries. Scott grew up in San Diego, California and felt a call to the ministry at the young age of 16. During Scott’s fulltime ministry over the past 8 years he has had the opportunity to pastor thousands of students as well as teaching at numerous camps, school assemblies, conferences, and events. Scott and his wife Candice have been married since September 10, 2005 and have a one-year old son, Joshua Kenneth Parks. After much prayer and many conversations with Scott, Candice, and so many others, we are convinced that God has prepared Scott uniquely for this role. We look forward to what God has in store for Scott and the students as they seek to be conformed into the likeness of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Scott will begin immediately as he prepares for his family’s move from California and to get settled in his new role. Then, in early February, he and his family will make ...

How are you motivated?

Wow! Now, I'm motivated!

Happy Birthday, Aunt Buh.

Today is my sister Robbie's Birthday. My kids have always called her Aunt Buh. The reason? My son Cameron, when he was young, wouldn't call her Robbie - always Buh. "Cameron, say Rah." "Rah" "Say Bee" "Bee" "Say Rah-Bee" "Buh" So, it stuck. I'm so thankful to God for what He has done in Robbie's life through some recent and difficult years. By His grace, she daily becomes more and more like the Proverbs 31 woman He has called her to be. I'm thankful I can call her my sister - both by blood and by His Spirit.

Words to comfort. Words to encourage.

Today, I read a blog posting by Mark Beeson, Sr. Pastor of Granger Community Church. In it, he offers true and loving encouragement to a dear friend who just lost his 27 year-old daughter in an automobile accident. I held back the tears as I read these words: "Gene," I said. "I've known many fathers. I've watched them. I've seen how they care for their daughters. I've seen them raise their kids." Pulling him close I told him the truth I knew. "Gene, you are a great father to Rachael. She couldn't have had a better dad. She got up every day knowing you loved her. She soared because of your love. You gave her what she needed to be a wonderful wife and devoted Christian. Her years were enriched by her Daddy's love." I finished by saying, "You're a great man. You're a great father. Rachael enjoyed what many daughter's never experience, the love of a wonderful father. You did well Gene. I'm proud of you." Wow. ...

Texting used as a part of a worship service...

Granger Community Church in Granger, IN recently used cell-phone texting technology to interact with those attending their worship services over the weekend. You can read more about it here . Question: In what ways does this approach to a worship service glorify God?

Another Year...

Over 2008, I wrote 133 posts leading to 44 of your comments. Many thanks to those who take the time to read my ramblings and a special thank you to those who take even more time to add their thoughts and encouragement to the conversation. In my first blog posting , I wrote: "When it comes to consistent journal keeping or writing, I haven't excelled. The "tyranny of the urgent" takes hold and I don't take the time to shake loose from it. However, in the role that I've been blessed with, it may just be time to use this media for a few purposes: Express myself Communicate my thoughts to others who may care Offer others an opportunity to express themselves as they respond to my ramblings Strengthen whatever creative writing muscle God has blessed me with Connect with other bloggers, multiply perspectives, and grow spiritually, intellectually, and emotionally" In these last months, I have allowed the "tyranny of the urgent" to distract me from this ...