Lessons for the month

Some new (and old) lessons from August. Ongoing administrative excellence is hard. Period. It takes constant tweaking and adjustment...and a whole lot of leading. Pray for the best as you prepare for the worst. People don't resist change, people resist loss. My bride's laugh remains contagious and refreshing - at the very same time. I am blessed. Believe it or not, there are 4 other candidates for president. Can you name them? The power of example is more noble than the example of power. (a variation of line that Former President Clinton used in his speech at the DNC) Man's plans are at the mercy of God's power (Republican Convention and Hurricane Gustavo) Good leaders seek order in the swirl of issues. Getting the right people in the right seats makes a HUGE difference in a ministry. When we focus our attention on anything in place of God, He is grieved. From the Love & Respect book I'm reading: Husbands crave respect from their wives. Wives crave love from the...