Why serve?

Last Sunday at church, there were so many babies in the nursery who needed someone to hold them that we had to grab folks we knew to come and do just that: hold them.

This got me thinking: why is it so hard to find people to spend the time necessary to care for kids?

Normally, if someone brings in a newborn, that kid has nearly everyone's fingerprints on him/her before getting out of the building. Supposedly, everyone wants to hold a baby, but why is it that no one will raise his hand to be counted upon as one who will spend the time to care for a young one. Why?

Before I try to answer this, let's review something about service: it's a privilege to serve God. Privilege? When we are the devoted followers of Christ He has called us to be, then we should be eager to serve. It's not a "have to", it's a "get to." When one is eager to serve, then it becomes a privilege. According to the Bible, as we understand God's mercy upon us, then we seek Him and seek to offer ourselves as His living sacrifices (Rom. 12:1). Serving Him is worshipping Him. Worshipping Him is serving Him. Both are a privilege.

Probable answers for why believers in Christ don't serve in KIDS Ministry (or anywhere):

1) They are already serving elsewhere in the church. This is clear. If you're already serving others, then it makes sense for you to remain where God has led you to be.
2) They're not gifted or qualified to serve in KIDS Ministry. If that's true, then they should be serving elsewhere in the body.
3) They don't know they can serve. Yikes. If this is you, then find someone on staff at your church and ask them this question, "How can I help?" If that doesn't result in action, let me know, please.
4) They don't want to serve. Anywhere.

This last answer is the most troubling. Why? Because they're missing out on serving the One who created them, knows them most intimately, and has already done all required for them to have a personal relationship with Him.

If you are not serving in the church, please prayerfully consider what role God has in store for you. Our church offers a SHAPE class that helps folks understand their unique personalities and spiritual gifts so that they can serve right where God has prepared them to. Your church should be able to help there, too. Then, even if it's the most seemingly mundane of tasks, serve with gusto. Serve others, whether in or outside the church, with all your heart so that you'll please the One who created you and loves you.


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