What to do when you don't have a job

As I consider my experiences in the workforce and lay-offs (on both sides of the table) and dismissals, I offer these thoughts for consideration. If you're going through something similar, then I hope this will help.
As responsible men and women, we have a tendency to wrap our identities in what we do and the company for whom we work. It's difficult to accept a time like this when we aren't going to the workplace and accomplishing something in return for pay so that we might provide for ourselves and our families. As the days, weeks, and perhaps months pass by, the perception of our own self-worth can diminish if we don't get a handle on what God has to say about each of us - individually and collectively as His creation and, if we are followers of His Son Jesus, His sons and daughters, adopted into His forever family.
During this a time like this, let's remember these eternal truths from God's Word.
1) God loves us so much that even though He knew we would sin against Him, He sent His Son to die for us - in advance. Rom 5:8.
2) Our self-worth begins and ends with our individual relationship with our Creator. Ps. 139, Gal. 2:20, John 1:12, 2 Cor. 5:17.
3) Independent of how we feel regarding the perception of God's presence in our situations, He is present, engaged, and invested in our present circumstances. Ps. 139, Eph. 3:14-20
4) And, there are no circumstances in which we find ourselves, that should turn us away from the discipline of the LORD and His understanding of what we require. Hebrews 12:4-10.
With these truths in mind and heart, I suggest for all of us who are dealing with similar situations to consider these helpful suggestions.
1) Restore your relationship with God. Spend time in His Word and in prayer. And, because you now have the time, measure the time you spend reading His Word and physically kneeling or laying prostrate in prayer in hours rather than minutes.
2) Enjoy this time. In other words, in joy, spend the time wisely. A wise friend of mine made this surprising suggestion to me when I was in between jobs and it was the best idea to embrace. Find someone you need to spend time with and spend time with him or her. Who knows that this may be time God has allowed to be available so that you can get face-to-face, eye-to-eye, soul-to-soul with someone you would not otherwise have the opportunity to.
3) Serve others without expectation of pay. Be selfless. Pour into others so that you may be an ambassador for Christ, a blessing from God, a mensch to someone unexpecting. Ask your church who needs help and go help them. Mow the lawn, sweep a garage, remodel a kitchen - whatever it takes - to be the best blessing you can be.
4) Refuse to fear or be anxious. Demonstrate your faith by demonstrating your belief that God, who takes care of sparrow and knows how many hairs are upon your head, will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.
5) Celebrate what God has done in your past, in your present, and in your future!
Let this time be a time of joy! Please don't let anyone - including yourself - rob you of that!