Fundamentalism in America?

In this article, the director of a movie at Cannes Film Festival discusses how his movie isn't Anti-Christian, but against fundamentalism.   What is fundamentalism?  The director, Alejandro Amenabar, describes it as "the idea that ‘I will kill you for what you think'".  The story is set in Egypt in the 4th Century A.D. and includes the persecution of pagans by Christians.

For centuries, people have been destroyed for what they think.  While we can look into the history of Christianity and find painful examples of how Christians have persecuted others (including other Christians) for their belief, Christians have also suffered for theirs.  Fox's Book of Martyrs lists those who were tortured and killed for what they believed and goes on to describe the often gruesome ways these deaths were accomplished.

Fundamentalism, as Amenabar describes it, has a peculiar heritage and still goes on today - for religious reasons and others - simply because people don't agree with what others believe.

After seeing the following video, I'm convinced that if things don't change soon, such violence could happen today.  Here is a video of the persecution of an older woman who believes that marriage is sacred and defined by God between a man and a woman.

What have we come to, America, when we treat someone so disrespectfully - especially one of our older citizens?  

Another question: would you have the courage to raise the cross of Christ as this woman did?  Would I?


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