"Stand and Defend"

Have you ever felt that way? I have - and I do still sometimes. Those are the times when I've done all I can within how God has enabled me, but then find it's time just to stand and defend. As I read how the federal government has responded to the current onslaught of economic and social woes, I sometimes feel that way. I feel that all I can do is stand and defend: God's honor and glory, the sanctity of life, and the sanctity of soul-to-soul relationships between husband and wives, brothers, and sisters, parents and children.
Today, there is snow outside my window - not water pouring into my living room. However, spiritually speaking, what's pouring into my living room is the dirty water of all that this country seems to encourage against God - denying His sovereignty, His complete control over creation, His love for us, and the life, sacrifice, and resurrection of His Son.
Many of the early leaders of this country were unabashed followers of Christ. This loyalty to King Jesus came out in their words and actions without qualification or apology. Maybe, as we feel the need to stand and defend, we can look to their example and simply stand and proclaim - proclaim who we are in Christ to others and how important it is to live our lives fearing Him only and receiving the blessings of wisdom and knowledge only He can provide.