You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier. 2 Timothy 2:3-4

From A.W. Tozer:

Save me from the error of judging a church by its size, its popularity or the amount of its yearly offering. Help me to remember that I am a prophet--not a promoter, not a religious manager, but a prophet. Let me never become a slave to crowds. Heal my soul of carnal ambitions and deliver me from the itch for publicity. Save me from bondage to things. Let me not waste my days puttering around the house. Lay Thy terror upon me, O God, and drive me to the place of prayer where I may wrestle with principalities and powers and the rulers of the darkness of this world. Deliver me from overeating and late sleeping. Teach me self-discipline that I may be a good soldier of Jesus Christ....

And now, O Lord of heaven and earth, I consecrate my remaining days to Thee; let them be many or few, as Thou wilt. Let me stand before the great or minister to the poor and lowly; that choice is not mine, and I would not influence it if I could. I am Thy servant to do Thy will, and that will is sweeter to me than position or riches or fame and I choose it above all things on earth or in heaven.
A. W. Tozer, God Tells the Man Who Cares, 105-106.

Wow. A great reminder to me of all that's at stake and the criticality of our roles as husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, grandparents, neighbors, and leaders for the cause of Christ. There is SO much at stake.


Kristin Baker said…
Wow, What a great quote! Can I steal it for my blog? : )
Anonymous said…
Hey Greg. That's a hard post. good though. Hope you and your family have had a great week, and I will see you Wednesday, will you holla at Josh to get with me on the new young adult stuff? He asked me to help, and i kinda gave him an iffy attitude, and I'm over that now, ready to help. Hook me up. He wanted me to do sound, I will, but i want it to be known ahead a time that I want to help in other ways too. sitting in a little both in the back can be very secluding.
Blessing for the week!....

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