Oh, if I could just have a do-over...

The year is 1977 - May. I'm wrapping up my freshman year in high school and have spent the school year slowly and unintentionally separating myself from my parents, family, church, friends, and, most of all, God. Approaching my 15th birthday, I take the plunge in the name of "independence" and settle for mediocrity, lies, and selfish lusts and pursuits. True independence, I discover later, is a sin. Why? Because to be truly independent means I am not dependent upon anyone. Period. That is not only impossible, but it's insane. I will be forever dependent upon the grace of God. I'm here because He allowed it. I had no choice in my birth yet I fell in the delusion that I would somehow be able to "handle it from there." What a joke - a bad joke.

By embracing mediocrity rather than the mediator of all mankind, Jesus Christ, I pursued what the teacher of Ecclesiastes decried - foolishness and vanity.

Since God changed my life, I have often wondered what it would be like if I could have a do-over. To go back in time and take the lessons to apply them more effectively in my life, would be an amazing thing. Thinking about that opportunity, here are the top three things I would do:
  • Hold fast to Christ.
  • Find someone I trust to hold me accountable
  • Lead

However, I know by God's word that "man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment" - i.e., there are no do-overs. So, I'm resolved to do now what I would do then:

  • Hold fast to Christ. Love Him, love others, pray, study the Scriptures, and serve.
  • Find someone I trust to hold me accountable. By His grace, I have more than one who is willing to do this.
  • Lead. Lead in the home, in the church, and in the community.

Would you do anything different? If so, what? How are you applying those lessons now?


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