Oh, if I could just have a do-over...

By embracing mediocrity rather than the mediator of all mankind, Jesus Christ, I pursued what the teacher of Ecclesiastes decried - foolishness and vanity.
Since God changed my life, I have often wondered what it would be like if I could have a do-over. To go back in time and take the lessons to apply them more effectively in my life, would be an amazing thing. Thinking about that opportunity, here are the top three things I would do:
- Hold fast to Christ.
- Find someone I trust to hold me accountable
- Lead
However, I know by God's word that "man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment" - i.e., there are no do-overs. So, I'm resolved to do now what I would do then:
- Hold fast to Christ. Love Him, love others, pray, study the Scriptures, and serve.
- Find someone I trust to hold me accountable. By His grace, I have more than one who is willing to do this.
- Lead. Lead in the home, in the church, and in the community.
