There's platinum in them there...vans

Platinum, palladium, and rhodium are just three of the precious metals that are found in most catalytic converters. For those who don't know what these are, they help reduce the toxicity of chemicals that come from your cars and trucks. Because of the rise in commodity prices of these and other metals, there are thieves that look for isolated vehicles - especially SUVs and trucks with a lot of ground clearance - and with a battery-operated sawzall - remove the device and sell it to scrap metal dealers who won't ask tough questions.

Thefts of these devices are nationwide and occur outside residential homes, in shopping mall parking lots, and at churches!

Early one morning this past week, a team of thieves stole 3 of our vans' catalytic converters - thus costing the church money we did not plan to spend. Working with the Wichita Police Department, here are some things we all can do to avoid these thefts:
  • If possible, get your vans and trucks inside the garage.
  • If the vehicles are unable to be inside, then park the vehicle in well-lighted areas.
  • If your vehicle has an alarm, be sensitive to it and take action if you hear it.
  • If your mall, church, or business uses security cameras in the parking lots, try to park the more susceptible vehicles (as stated above) in those areas.

Of course, we can also encourage police departments will put pressure on scrap metal dealers and reduce the market for this illicit activity. Thankfully, the Wichita Police is actively working on this problem and will hopefully succeed in putting an end to this practice.


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