When is the church, the church?

A few weeks ago, I had the opportunity to help out with the Parking Ministry and rode around in a golf cart giving rides to folks who had some distance to walk from their cars to the church building. Then suddenly, I had to be careful not to be hit by those leaving the church parking lot after Sunday School. This leads to my question: If folks go to Sunday School but do not attend one of the larger congregational worship opportunities, are they fully a part of the church?

While these folks typically attend faithfully and serve regularly within the constraints of their Sunday School class, here are some of the reasons offered for their departure:
  • The time between the end of Sunday School and their preferred style of worship (more traditional) is over 30 minutes and, for some, it's physically too long to sit.
  • Their preferred worship service is often longer than the planned 75 minutes and therefore releases sometimes closer to 12:30pm.
  • While their preferred service is described as "classic", the songs are often unfamiliar choruses and not their hymn favorites.
  • The distance between the two venues (Classroom and Auditorium) is too far to walk.
  • There are other family priorities which require their time and effort directly after Sunday School.
  • Given the way this particular Sunday School class is structured, they feel that they've already been to church.


  • At least they're coming to Sunday School
  • The larger church body is missing out on the example these folks could be setting.
  • These folks are missing out on the lessons and teachings from the Senior Pastor which reflects the larger mission of the church and the Holy Spirit's leading through this leader.

But, how important is this issue and how does it affect (or reflect) the mission of this church?

The truth is, I don't know, yet. These are precious brothers and sisters who are making decisions based on their relationship with the Lord. I feel strongly that I want them to stay and worship - to be and remain a part of the body. How all that fits into what God has ordained us to do is something I'm still praying through.

While there are things that we could do to mitigate some of the issues, I'm not sure how much it will help because I have a sense that there are deeper, unspoken, issues that will remain unless addressed.

What do you think?


Christensen said…
Good points and thoughts. I'm not sure what the right answer would be without causing hard feeling.
Anonymous said…
As you are aware this has been allowed for a very long time (too long) since we did not want to disrupt what this group calls their worship time. I feel that this has to start with the leader of this group (church pastor). We need to find out where their (leader and group) heart is? My opinion is if their heart is not in the heart of the entire church mission then is should be dealt with. Sometime the right decision is not the easy way out. I also feel that the wisdom of this group is being lost since they do not want to be part of the body of the church. This group does not engage in anything other than their activies which is very sad. I love them but having this kind of split in the body is very unheathy for the body. My opinion is that there should be a plan for this to be dealt with. Not overnight but over a period of time starting with the leader of this group. I want to be part of the solution not part of the problem.
Christensen said…
I think the answer we are looking for based on biblical truth can be found in Titus 2, Paul tells Titus that the "elders" in the church should teach (instruct)the young men and women in the ways of the Lord. If that isn't being passed down as it seems here in the blog, is God's calling in our lives being answered?

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