Are you significant?

sig·nif·i·cant ADJECTIVE: 1. Having or expressing a meaning; meaningful. 2. Having or expressing a covert meaning; suggestive: a significant glance. 3. Having or likely to have a major effect;

What makes you and I significant?

It's so easy to "feel" insignificant. Perhaps, you're suddenly alone. There is no one present to encourage you. Or, if you've just made an unwise decision that affects those you love - and you're dealing with the shame and guilt of that decision. Or, no matter God's blessing or how good things really are, you just "feel" that way - insignificant.

Please recognize that even a cursory read of the Bible reveals that our "feelings", although important, take a backseat to the truth of who God is and what He has done (and still does) with regard to how He feels about you and me. There are so many stories in the Bible where people endure hurt, shame, persecution, and even death - yet recognize their significance to God.

God demonstrates His love for us - this is present tense, as in, NOW. In other words, even though from our perspective Jesus died for our sins many moons ago, God's love is uniquely demonstrated every day as we understand that God sacrificed His Son Jesus for us even though He knew our sinful selves would be revealed later on. His love for us is so paramount, so manifest and complete, that any question of our significance - our importance to God - is summarily resolved.

You are significant to God
. Period.

God loves you so much that He gave His Son to cleanse you from sin so that you could have fellowship with Himself, your forever Father. All you and I need do is trust Him and let our lives reflect that trust.

What makes you and I significant? The better question is: Who makes you and I significant?

But God demonstrates His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8.


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