One more change...

There is yet one more staffing change that we announced this weekend. Pastor German Portillo has resigned from Central Community Church, effective July 27th, to accept the position of Worship Director at Kaw Prairie Community Church in Lenexa, KS.

German leaves Central with experience and knowledge in both student and worship ministry that I’m sure God will use to further His Kingdom in Lenexa. Although German leaves behind students (and adults) who love him and will miss him, we know that as God has done through him here at Central, He will continue to do mighty things through German and his family in this new adventure. While I’m saddened in his leaving, I rejoice with German as God empowers him to lead this new congregation in worship to the Most High God.

As a word of encouragement, while we are sad to see these precious pastors move on to other callings, we also know that God is in the midst of all of this. Having just gone through a similar experience of transition myself, I personally know the excitement, the questions, and the unsettled feeling of change. However, I’m sure you will agree with me that there is no better place to be than in God’s grip as He moves His people, as He changes lives, and as He makes this all happen in His providence and will – His good, pleasing, and perfect will. We are already in the process of interviewing candidates for the open roles on the Senior Staff and will continue our search for the ones whom God has already prepared to serve Him here at Central.

Please join me in praise and in prayer to God for what He will do in the life of German and the life of His church here at Central Community.


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