What's your "one thing"?

In the movie "City Slickers", Jack Palance plays a ranch hand that gives a city slicker played by Billy Crystal some odd advice. Basically, the advice is to pick your most important priority and stick with it. Well, readers, this is hard for me. It's real easy to get distracted and lose focus and, well, just lose - time, energy, opportunities... Distractions can even cause us to lose much more - our relationships, health, jobs, reputation. By the way, distractions come in all shapes and sizes, both good and evil. They remain, however, distractions from that "one thing"...

I spoke with someone recently who reminded me to take seriously my priorities as I reminded him of the same thing. So, with hat in hand, I come to the Lord and tell Him what He already knows about me...

Lord, I give You my life, such that it is. It's really not much to speak of without You. You have made it wonderful, so it's not even mine to give, but I give it nonetheless. This is a far different transaction than "accepting Christ", Your Son. Who am I to accept Him? I can only receive Him and ask Him to take me so that He may mold, shake, shape, and break me.

From this giving, I want to be a blessing - to You, to my bride, my kids, Your church. There are so many ways I turn out NOT to be a blessing - but even in that, keep me from causing anyone to stumble or to doubt You. As I seek to glorify you in every thought, word, and deed, Strengthen me with Your joy so that I may encourage those around me and be the blessing You've called me to be.

It's true that You alone deserve any glory. Take it all and let me wait in the wings doing whatever I can to magnify Your name and no one else's. At times, this may be the hardest area for me to let go of, but I can do all things through Your Son Jesus, who strengthens me.

Yours is the Kingdom, the glory, the power, the honor forever.


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