
Dear Leader,

What were you thinking? What chain of thoughts and events led you to this point? It's clear that your world, as you knew it, has imploded but are you sad about it? You're probably sad about losing all you held dear - your family's respect and confidence, your reputation, your job - but does your grief include God? And, if you were able to help others avoid this, what would you say to them? Here are a few thoughts to consider:
  1. Pay attention to what you think about. If you have time to think, what do you think about? Is it of God? Your loved ones? Yourself? Or, are your thoughts consumed with that which distracts (rather than attracts) you from God?

  2. Monitor that which captures your attention. What do you read? What movies, shows, music do you watch and/or listen to?

  3. Count your blessings and name them one by one. Each one. And, because blessings only come from God, what we don't count as blessings are things that distract us from Him.

  4. Find someone to hold you accountable to God. So much depends upon it.

Each of us is one decision away from failure. Take this moment, praise the Lord, and ask that this event - this calamitous tragedy - be used to glorify God by warning others to avoid these shores.

Please understand that I don't write this in judgment for we are sinners saved by grace and are not called to judge other servants of the most High God. However, just as God's Word describes the fall of so many of His servants which continue to teach us centuries later, I hope that you'll use this - somehow - for His glory!

Your brother by God's grace,


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