Weekend thoughts...

  • Communication, no matter how hard you work at it, is never fully accomplished.

  • Storms are really strong in Wichita, Kansas. But, if we let Him, God can penetrate the scariest storms and most difficult of times to illuminate, fascinate, and transform us into the likeness of His Son.

  • I'm 3 months into being tired of presidential campaigns.

  • True authenticity is truly rare.

  • Fear of anything but the Lord is the most effective satanic weapon - and pride is number 2 on that hit parade.

  • When God changes us, everything around us is changed, too. We cannot underestimate the sphere of influence He has given each of us. And, sometimes, while the resulting change is not what we expected or wanted, it remains in His divine sovereignty and plan, nonetheless.

  • The larger the church, the more property and stuff there is. The more property and stuff there is, the larger the storage problem. The larger the storage problem, the more stuff we need to get rid of. Getting rid of stuff is harder than it should be.

  • Forcing leadership responsibilities upon those unprepared for them, is like catching a butterfly without a net. If you try to catch the butterfly, you'll either fail or kill it in the process. And, unfortunately, there is limited time to wait for it to land on your shoulder.


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