Focus, focus, focus

Seems easier said than done sometimes… I was reminded recently that organizations often fail when they spread themselves too thin by focusing outside of their core business or function. This has come up a lot lately – both in conversation and in reading. Why is that? I believe it is because God uses repetition to get my attention.

Here are the primary focuses:
  1. Jesus. I know. Duh. But, how many marriages have failed because one in the relationship has taken the other for granted? In order that we (the bride) don't take Him (the Bridegroom) for granted, we must keep Him at the forefront of our worship, our celebration of His Leadership, and our intentional spiritual growth.
  2. KIDS and Student Ministries. In this world we live in, these precious ones are too often being left behind spiritually. Moreover, their parents are looking to God and the church for answers. We need to remember that Jesus uses us (His church) to love others to Himself. When we let Jesus love through us, we’re fulfilling the calling of the church.
  3. Serving others by developing volunteer leaders. This may seem strange to have on the list, but it shouldn’t be. I don’t know how many anecdotes I’ve heard (from this church and others) illustrating how we have shown children of God a poor volunteer experience through disorganization and a lack of training. When volunteers have a positive experience serving the Lord with deep spiritual impact, they want to serve again, tell their friends about it, and begin to recognize how many ways they can be the living sacrifice that God has called them to be.

  4. Small Groups. Life change happens in small groups. If we want to be about the business of changing lives for Christ, then this becomes important.

  5. The unclaimed. Did you know that according to a 2000 study by the ARDA, there are nearly 285,000 people in the Wichita Metro Area who do not claim to be attached to any religious organization. These are the ones who Jesus died for and they should not only know that He died for them but also that He still loves them and uses the church to demonstrate that love.

Everything else flows from there. Focus to say 'yes' means focus to say 'no'. It is with this that the church struggles often. However, as I was reminded recently, "I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me." Phil. 4:13.

Praise His Name!


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