Lessons in the transition

As I transitioned from Colorado to Kansas, from church layman leadership to paid staff, from the corporate world to full-time ministry, I've learned a few lessons: The calling from God is not a theory - it is real. I'd known this and had experienced this -but not at this level. In a horrible real estate market, God can sell a house in 2 days after the first showing. God confirms His call on our lives through the most unlikely sources. Therefore, we must be attentive. God knows the training we need and often uses tough experiences to accomplish it. When things seem desperate, they probably aren't. Each leader should be prepared, even after the smallest decision, to lose something he didn't expect to lose. This is the price of leadership. Building friendships take time - damaging friendships doesn't. Hope for the best. Prepare for the worst. Success truly rises and falls on leadership: the ability, willingness, and passion of a leader to follow God and to lead leader...