Thoughts on authenticity

An "outsider can smell a fake a mile away." Is that what I've missed? Are we in some way in-authentic about who we are? That is, are we trying to be a church we're not?

It's soooo easy to get caught up in the programs, excellence, quality, facilities, organization, etc. that is required for "church" to function and lose sight of this: we are God's ambassadors and His ministers of reconciliation in order to change lives. If we understand this, grasp this, and live this, then we not only honor the One who has called us to ministry, but we also "smell" to the outsider with the authentic fragrance of Christ.

I don't believe for a moment, that we're inauthentic about Who has called us to ministry and His Hand upon this church. Not for a moment. However, if we lose sight of the purpose, the goal as described above, and instead focus our intentions on the mechanics of ministry, then we unintentionally have an odor that sends an unfortunate message.

"Lord, keep us ever mindful of Your focus for this church: changing lives. Forgive us for auguring in on the mechanics of ministry and not anchoring on the purpose to which You've called us. Break us of ourselves and fill us with You. Amen."


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