yet another start

(originally posted on January 5, 2008)

After reviewing the blogspot page I setup, I realized that it offered some 'features' that I wasn't happy with. One, in particular. In the top left hand corner, there is this "Next Blog" link. I selected it and was greeted by a soft porn blog. Because it changes day-to-day, a later selection showed a very nice Christian woman offering her thoughts on a good number of good topics. In other words, I can't control that link. It could go to a good site or a not-so good site or a terrible site.

I want people to read this (for the purposes listed in another post). But, I don't want to lead anyone to a site that may cause them to "stumble" in their walk with Jesus - or their walk toward Jesus. So, I checked out a blog I enjoy reading and that led me to typepad. We'll see how it works as I blog through my first 14 days of a free-trial.

For now, my garage door opener isn't working and it appears that I have to replace the entire opener itself. Ah, the joys of home ownership...


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