Uganda - Arrival and Settling In

After nearly 30 hours of travel, we finally made it to Kampala, Uganda. Praise The Lord!

Entering Uganda, we were welcomed by a medical team that the government has put in place to
check the health of incoming visitors and citizens. We answered a short questionnaire regarding the countries we've visited and our current health condition. A group of nurses reviewed our questionnaire and took our temperatures.  Although it was an additional delay to a very long trip, I'm glad to see the government taking their usual precautions regarding the seriousness of the Ebola outbreak in West Africa.  Although the hardest hit countries are over 3000 miles away, Uganda knows how to combat this virus and shows it.

Immigration was smooth for everyone except me.  As we enter Uganda, our fingerprints are checked to make sure they match our passports.  Each time I've entered the country, I've had to have them tested repeatedly because the reader failed to read them rightly.  This time, the immigration agent sent me to another agent to check out why my current prints failed to match.  For about an hour, I waited wondering if I would be allowed into the country! Obviously, I made it through and they (I hope) fixed the problem for the next time. Believe me, I was praying for His favor to get me through this unforeseen obstacle.

I am so glad that our flights allowed the team to arrive in Uganda during the day.  They got an eye- and ear-full as we bumped along the road for over an hour-and-a-half, making our way slowly to the Stevenson's compound in the Port Bell section of Kampala.
This home really is a sanctuary for us. Tim is here while his wife Colleen is finishing some medical treatments in Canada (our church - and so many others - are praying for this sweet sister!).  The team they have assembled are just like they are: warm, kind, and always helpful. They have become my family, too. Christine, Lancy, Philip, Thomas, Michael, Moses, Sande, and so many others really add to our ongoing welcome, safety, and effectiveness in the ministry.

This morning, after a MUCH-needed rest, we enjoyed crepes, fresh fruit, and cereal for breakfast, before traveling to Kasubi to worship with the church there.  Kasubi, which you'll hear more about later, is the site of the Church of God Headquarters for Uganda as well as a school and a church. The congregation was mostly students from the school.

Again, we were warmly welcomed, and enjoyed the 3-hour service of worship, singing, dancing, and the spoken Word.  It was confirmed last night that I had the privilege of speaking this morning. In addition, the group sang (but did not yet dance) a few songs before I spoke from 1 Samuel 16: David was obedient and humble as he waited on The Lord and His call on David's life. And, He wants the same from all who call on Him.

Preaching here takes a while because after I speak a phrase or sentence, an assigned interpreter repeats the phrase in the local language (Lugandan). Before I spoke, I took a picture of the congregation and the choir so that you all could meet our new friends.

After services, we went to an Italian Restaurant and enjoyed a meal there, before going back to the compound to rest and have a quick call to our church in East Canton, Ohio.  I loved talking with the church and sharing the joy we felt from the services and our welcome here.

As I see God moving - in the team, in our Uganda family, and in our East Canton family, I'm more and more thankful when we choose faith over fear in our obedience to the Lord's call on each of us.

We will be staying in Kampala for a few days before going to the village area. Stay tuned!

And, keep praying!


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