Uganda - Children of Promise

Kasubi is a place Sherry and I have been to many, many times.  As a school, it's filled with children (Pre-K through High School) and their teachers.  As the HQ of Church of God, Uganda, there are also the Church of God leaders who also work within the compound.

We arrived there a little later than we had planned after enjoying breakfast and sorting the 12 tubs we brought with us. These tubs carried our ministry items. Some of our team visited Jajjas (Grandmas) who care for their grandchildren because the children's parents are either dead or have abandoned the children.  I'll write about this team's visits with the Jajjas in another posting.

Knowing we would be meeting some of our sponsored children at the Children of Promise office at Kasubi, we were sure to bring gifts for them. Of the six children we were expecting, we met five of them today and will meet the sixth tomorrow.

In times past, I have not met the sponsored children (other than my own) because I was engaged in other ministries (like Leadership Development).  It was SO good to see the joy on these kids' faces as they opened their bags of goodies.  Gratitude was the prevailing attitude, for sure!

Including in the list, by the way, was three mattresses purchased by our own VBS kids!

If you're reading this today, and currently do not sponsor a child, I strongly encourage you to prayerfully consider a commitment to change a life.  I have met several adults who were raised as sponsored children who are making history for Christ right now - including supporting the sponsoring of other children.

When you sponsor a child, you give more than an education, more than food and clothing - you give hope. Speaking with a sponsored child - now adult - named Richard, he made this very to clear to me as he described child after child, living in the streets, without hope. Being a sponsored child gives hope.

When you sponsor a child you'll change a life - you'll give him or her hope.

For more information, please comment on this post with your email address and I'll be glad to provide it.

(PS: I'm unable to download photos at this time but I will soon!)


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