Uganda - 4th Day, and an opportunity to change a life!

Today, some of us visited the TAPP offices in Murchison Bay (another section of Kampala) to watch how they create their jewelry.  TAPP teaches their clients a trade (like fashioning jewelry) so that they can earn a living and provide for their family.  Many times, an HIV+ person will lose his or her job when they've been diagnosed with HIV.  Turning to The Lord through TAPP, they receive encouragement and training, and above all, hope.

Some of us also visited the TAPP clients in the slums of Kampala, called Kasugo. These clients are lead by the TAPP Branch Manager, a lovely young lady named Generous (my bride Sherry is pictured  with her above).  The abject poverty we witnessed today was a strong contrast to the hope that we saw in the faces (and heard in the voices) of those who have chosen to put their trust in The Lord.  After we visited them, they met us in the small church there and sang, "Jesus is my Savior!"

The hope of The Lord has been a very powerful theme in this adventure. The people of Uganda need hope.  The people of Northeast Ohio need hope.  And, as the Psalmist says, "Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him." Ps. 62:5

The remainder of us visited another Church of God site called Nampunge, just outside the city limits of Kampala. This site has a church building, a complete school - nursery through Secondary (High) School - with over 1000 students, and a small clinic.  Charlene Moore, one of our team, had the privilege of visiting the home of her Sunday School class's Sponsored Child.  In my experience, this is the only example I know of where a sponsor had this opportunity.  Thanks, Lord!

One last encouragement. You might wonder how you can bring hope to someone here from the United States. I've mentioned this before and I will each chance I get.

Sponsor a child. Maybe one of those pictured with Generous.  For the cost of a few fast food meals each month, you could change a child's life. Or, for a little more, you could change the life of a whole family. 

Don't think you can afford it? Here's a better idea. Don't think. Pray. If God is calling you to sponsor a child, He will provide the funds. Trust Him and discover the joy of changing a life.

For more information, comment on this post and weI'll get you what you need to take the step.


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