Uganda - Day 4

When we arrive here, our days tend to meld together. "I thought it was Tuesday. Are you sure it's Wednesday?" Today IS Wednesday when we'll wrap up our third day at Kasubi. More teaching, building, visiting, and encouraging each other in the LORD.

Yesterday (Tuesday), we heard from Pastor David from the Congo.  Congo is one of the countries that the Stevensons support.  It was heartbreaking to hear the human catastrophe happening there.  Rival factions are terrorizing the people - rape, murder, mutilation, and so much more. We felt helpless to know what to do other than to pray over him for protection for him and his family along with wisdom. We'll have to learn more as we consider the enormity of what they're suffering there and how we might help.

Today, we are having a Jaja party at Kasubi. This is a special time of fellowship including Manicures, Pedicures, Hair, Food, Games and affirmation for these grandmothers - who they are, how they have given so much to their grandchildren, and helped so many more.  Without any kind of available social structure, this gives them encouragement to keep keeping on as we bless them.

As we are here, we think of our families in the US.  We wish that we could bring you with us - to see, hear, smell, touch, and taste the experiences in Uganda, East Africa. It is truly life-changing.


Guy said…
Will keep all of the Congo in my prayers. God bless you and your work to build our Christian family in Uganda.

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